Nicholas Lopez

10 Ways Your Merchandising Could be Hurting Your Sales: A Wake-Up Call for Food Brand Business Owners


In the bustling aisles of the American grocery store, every product is vying for attention. It’s a battleground where only the sharpest and most perceptive food brands thrive. If your sales aren’t where you want them to be, it might not be your product but your merchandising that’s letting you down. Let’s explore ten critical ways your merchandising could be hurting your sales and what you can do to turn the tide.

1. Ignoring the Power of Shelf Placement

In the realm of food retail, shelf placement is king. Are your products languishing on the bottom shelf, out of sight and out of mind? Eye-level placement can increase sales significantly because it’s the prime real estate in any store. If your product isn’t visible, it isn’t sellable. Negotiate better shelf space with retailers and be ready to invest in prime placement. It’s a game-changer.  

2. Failing to Create an Emotional Connection

Consumers don’t just buy products; they buy stories, experiences, and identities. Is your packaging telling a compelling story? Does it resonate with your target audience on an emotional level? Bland, generic packaging fails to create a connection. Make sure your branding tells a story that your customers can relate to and care about. The packaging should evoke the values and emotions that your brand stands for.  

3. Overlooking the Importance of Packaging Design

Your packaging is often the first interaction a consumer has with your brand. It’s your silent salesman. Is it visually appealing, easy to understand, and does it communicate the unique benefits of your product quickly? Poorly designed packaging can turn potential buyers away. Invest in professional design that is not only attractive but also functional and informative.  

4. Not Differentiating from Competitors

In a saturated market, standing out is crucial. If your product looks and feels like every other product on the shelf, why would consumers choose it? Differentiation is key. Highlight what makes your product unique. Whether it’s an innovative ingredient, a health benefit, or a sustainability angle, make sure it’s front and center on your packaging and merchandising materials.

5. Neglecting Seasonal and Trend-Based Promotions

Seasonality and trends play a huge role in consumer buying habits. Are you capitalizing on these opportunities? Ignoring seasonal changes and current food trends can make your brand seem out of touch. Create special promotions, limited-edition products, and seasonal packaging to keep your brand relevant and exciting throughout the year.  

6. Inconsistent Brand Messaging

Consistency builds trust. Is your brand message consistent across all your touchpoints – from packaging to advertising to social media? Inconsistent messaging can confuse consumers and dilute your brand identity. Ensure that your core message is clear and consistently communicated across all platforms. This consistency will help reinforce your brand identity and build customer loyalty.  

7. Poor Product Assortment and Variety

Are you offering the right mix of products? Too many options can overwhelm customers, while too few can limit your appeal. Analyze your sales data to understand which products are performing well and which aren’t. Tailor your assortment to meet consumer demand, ensuring you have the right balance of product variety without overcomplicating choices.  

8. Ignoring Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is a goldmine of information. Are you listening? Ignoring what your customers are saying can lead to missed opportunities for improvement. Regularly collect and analyze feedback to understand what your customers like, dislike, and what they want more of. Use this insight to refine your products and merchandising strategies to better meet customer needs.  

9. Underestimating the Power of In-Store Promotions

In-store promotions can significantly boost your visibility and sales. Are you leveraging them effectively? Temporary price reductions, in-store tastings, and special displays can draw attention to your products and encourage impulse purchases. Work with retailers to develop in-store promotion strategies that highlight your products and attract customers.  

10. Not Utilizing Data and Analytics

In today’s data-driven world, flying blind is not an option. Are you using data to inform your merchandising decisions? Sales data, customer demographics, and purchasing behaviors can provide valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not. Utilize data analytics to optimize your product placement, promotions, and overall merchandising strategy.

Turning Things Around

Identifying these pitfalls is the first step to improving your merchandising and booting your sales. Now, let's talk about some actionable steps you can take to address these issues.

1. Audit Your Current Merchandising

Conduct a thorough audit of your current merchandising efforts. Evaluate your shelf placement, packaging design, and promotional strategies. Identify areas where you can improve and develop a plan to address these gaps.  

2. Invest in Professional Help

Sometimes, the best way to elevate your brand is to bring in the experts. Hire professional designers, marketers, and data analysts to help refine your merchandising strategy. Their expertise can provide new insights and innovative solutions that you might not have considered.  

3. Engage with Retailers

Build strong relationships with retailers to secure better shelf placement and in-store promotion opportunities. Collaborate on promotional strategies and be open to their feedback. Retailers have valuable insights into consumer behavior and can help you optimize your merchandising efforts.  

4. Stay Agile and Adaptable

The food industry is dynamic, with trends and consumer preferences constantly evolving. Stay agile and be ready to adapt your merchandising strategy to meet changing demands. Regularly review and update your approach to ensure you’re always ahead of the curve.  

5. Prioritize Customer Engagement

Engage with your customers through multiple channels – social media, email newsletters, and in-store interactions. Create a community around your brand where customers feel valued and heard. Encourage feedback and use it to continually improve your products and merchandising strategies.  

6. Leverage Technology

Utilize technology to streamline and enhance your merchandising efforts. Implement data analytics tools to track sales and customer behavior. Use digital platforms to run targeted promotions and reach a wider audience. Technology can provide valuable insights and help you optimize your strategy more effectively.  

7. Create Compelling Brand Stories

Develop a strong brand narrative that resonates with your target audience. Tell your story through your packaging, advertising, and social media. Highlight the unique aspects of your brand, such as your commitment to sustainability, use of high-quality ingredients, or local sourcing. A compelling story can create a strong emotional connection with consumers and drive loyalty.  

8. Monitor and Measure Success

Regularly monitor and measure the success of your merchandising efforts. Set clear goals and KPIs to track your progress. Use this data to refine your strategy and make informed decisions. Continuous improvement is key to staying competitive in the food industry.  

9. Foster Innovation

Encourage innovation within your team. Stay open to new ideas and be willing to experiment with different approaches. Innovation can lead to unique merchandising strategies that set your brand apart from the competition.  

10. Keep Learning

The food industry is ever-changing, and staying informed about the latest trends and best practices is essential. Attend industry conferences, read relevant publications, and network with other professionals. Continuous learning will help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure your merchandising strategies are always effective.


In the highly competitive world of food retail, effective merchandising can make or break your brand. By addressing these common pitfalls and implementing the strategies outlined above, you can enhance your merchandising efforts and drive sales growth. Remember, it’s not just about having a great product – it’s about presenting it in the best possible way to attract and retain customers.
Your brand’s success hinges on your ability to connect with consumers, stand out on the shelf, and continually adapt to changing market conditions. Embrace the challenge, and use these insights to transform your merchandising strategy and achieve greater success in the food product industry.
For over 30 years, NEMA Associates Inc. has specialized in helping brands with their merchandising needs. With a deep understanding of the food product industry and a track record of success, NEMA Associates Inc. can provide the expertise and support your brand needs to thrive. Our team is dedicated to elevating your merchandising strategy, ensuring your products shine in the crowded market.
This is your wake-up call. It’s time to step up your merchandising game and unlock the full potential of your brand. Partner with NEMA Associates Inc. and let us help you make your products the stars of the grocery store aisles. Contact us today to learn how we can drive your sales to new heights. Let’s watch your sales soar together.

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